var I18N = {}; I18N.INFO_REQUIRED_MAILADDRESS = 'Enter your email address'; I18N.INFO_DISCONNECT_ACCOUNT = 'Disconnect Account?'; I18N.ALERT_REQUIRED_EMPTY = 'There are missing or incomplete fields. Please enter all required fields.'; I18N.ALERT_REQUIRED_AGREE = 'You must agree to the terms and conditions.'; I18N.ALERT_REQUIRED_ID_AND_PASS = 'Please enter your password and ID'; I18N.ALERT_INVALID_MAILADDRESS = 'Please enter your email address correctly.'; I18N.ALERT_INVALID_PASSWORD = 'Please enter your password correctly.'; I18N.ALERT_INVALID_NICKNAME = 'Please enter your nickname correctly.'; I18N.ALERT_REGIST_ERROR = 'Registration error:'; I18N.ALERT_CURRENT_PASSWORD = 'Please enter your current password correctly.'; I18N.ALERT_NEW_PASSWORD = 'Please enter your new password correctly.'; I18N.ALERT_NOT_MATCH_PASSWORD = 'Password does not match.'; I18N.INPUT_PASSWORD = 'Password'; I18N.INPUT_NICKNAME = 'Nickname'; I18N.INPUT_MAILADDRESS = 'Email address';